I’m currently working on my VCP CMA 2020 and I found it useful to share here my cheat sheet with a few vracli or kubectl commands.
Display the status of your vRA cluster:vracli status
Get a detailed status of your infrastructure (Kubernetes, postgres, …) and your applications (approval, catalog,…)vracli service status
Getting the vRA licence, could be helpful on the HOL infrastructure 😉vracli license
Connect or disconnect vRA from vRLivracli vrli set FQDN or IP
vracli vrli unset
Source : https://docs.vmware.com/fr/vRealize-Automation/8.0/Administering/GUID-8C7A4CC2-A10A-4ABA-A555-0266E003B77A.html
vracli certificate ingress --validate stdin --parse
Paste the content of the pem file/opt/scripts/deploy.sh
Source : https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/76089
Generate log bundle: List all name space, all vRA core services are in “prelude” namespace. To get pods inside the prelude namespace. Get pods from all namespaces Stop vRA: Start vRA: i’ll try to update this article when i found new interesting commands.vracli log-bundle
Kubectl get namespace
kubectl get pods -n prelude
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
sleep 120
/opt/scripts/deploy.sh --onlyClean
Check again the status:kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
Source : https://docs.vmware.com/en/vRealize-Automation/8.0/Administering/GUID-99D06124-13F8-489A-B43C-EAEC3F4FE582.html