
VMware Flings : DRS Lens

VMware flings is website that i falled in love, years ago, you can find really interestring tools.

“DRS Lens” is one them, as many of VMware’s product, you simply have to deploy it trough an appliance.

Next, first step is to configure the IP address:

Next, you can go to the appliance web site, the address is https://ip_adress/drs/app

First step, as below is to configure the vCenter and credential to connect on it:

Then, you have to start monitoring on one of your cluster, here my cluster named “cluster”:

You can see that my cluster is now monitored :

What kind of output you get? those really nice graphics :

Below cluster balance, on my homelab output are not really interesting as i have “big VMs” with small ESXi so it’s clearly normal that my cluster is inbalence…

Also, we can see that DRS did not perform any vMotion :


I’ll try to have better output in a near futur, and i’ll keep you updated.

See you

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