VMworld 2018 : First Timer
Here is the time for a recap from the 2018 VMworld edition, first time for me. That was one of my greatest profesionnal opportunity. How can i summary it ? – Great Community – Great partner – Great party – And AMAZING session / workshop. 12000 IT Guys, 90 nationalities, it gives you an idea […]
Homelab Upgrade : vSAN powered
vSAN is here from few years now, i already worked on it and i don’t take risk to say that’s a powerful technology. I’m not really an expert on this topic and i want to go further, but as you may know, vSAN need “important” hardware. This solution, in my humble opinion, become nice to […]
VMware Flings : DRS Lens
VMware flings is website that i falled in love, years ago, you can find really interestring tools. “DRS Lens” is one them, as many of VMware’s product, you simply have to deploy it trough an appliance. Next, first step is to configure the IP address: Next, you can go to the appliance web site, the […]
My Experience with VCP7-DTM
Few months ago, i decided to renew my VCPs which were expiring on May 2018. At this time i’m not really interested with other tracks like cloud management or network virtualization. I’m already VCP6 DCV, so VCP7-DTM was the better choice, i think. I previously passed the VCP6 DT, but the content in this new […]