VCF Journey: Build a lab, part 1
I’m currently following the VMware Cloud Foundation: Planning, Management, Operations [V4.3] – On-Demand training. This is great training but, I think, due to the number of infrastructure resources needed for this kind of lab environment, there is only video content.If I don’t play with the product, I can’t speak about it. Then here we are […]
TKGm 1.3 on AWS EC2 – Part 1
Goal of this article is summarize all the informations that i found useful in order to deploy TKGm on AWS. This is more or less personnal raw notes.If you using it and you feel that something is missing. Ping me and I’ll update my article. Set up my workstation: I’ll do all the steps from […]
TKGs : Force vNamespace deletion
For months, I spent a lot of my efforts in the cloud-native world.I set up in our lab environment vSphere with Tanzu and NSX ALB where I play with various cloud-native projects like ArgoCD, Harbor,… I wanted to delete the namespace when… the worse happens: I can see the namespace is in “terminating” status: Then […]
VCP Application Modernization 2021 : Review
I recently passed my VCP Application Modernization : This exam test the candidate on Tanzu Standard, which include :– vSphere with Tanzu– Tanzu Kubernetes Grid– Tanzu Mission Control From the certification page on VMware site:This exam tests a candidate’s expertise with VMware Tanzu Standard Edition including vSphere with Tanzu, Tanzu Kubernetes Grid, and Tanzu Mission […]
Cheat Sheet : vRA
I’m currently working on my VCP CMA 2020 and I found it useful to share here my cheat sheet with a few vracli or kubectl commands. vracli Display the status of your vRA cluster:vracli status Get a detailed status of your infrastructure (Kubernetes, postgres, …) and your applications (approval, catalog,…)vracli service status Getting the vRA […]
vSphere 7 : Update planner is missing
If you’ve just updated your vCSA to version 7 like me, you may find an issue with vSphere update planner, one of the new functionalities. This simply does not appear : To solve the issue, check the file : /etc/vmware-rhttpproxy/endpoints.conf.d/ui-plugins.conf it should contain a line like : /plugins/com.vmware.lcm.client~<FQDN>443 remotessl <FQDN>:443/ reject allow <THUMBPRINT> That was […]
Configure NSX Edge Load Balancer for Horizon
Since NSX 6.4.5 you are able to configure a load balancer from the HTML5 client. In the below case, i’ll configure an NSX edge to load balance traffic between my connection servers. Step 1 : Deploy a NSX Edge
Upgrading an ESXis with nVIDIA GPU
Not a lot of content about this task on internet. Nothing is really complex but you need to follow the steps corretly otherwise you 3D applications will become unusable.In my case, here few details about the infrastructure:– Dell R730 servers– nVIDIA M60– Two servers within a dedicated vSphere cluster– Current ESXi version 6.0.0 First things […]
Configuring HCX : Part 1
What is VMware HCX? HCX also know as VMware NSX Hybrid Connect or as VMware Hybrid Cloud Extension allow you to migrate workloads between your on prem’ infrastructure and VMware on AWS for example.You may also migrate workload between different cloud provider.To go simple, that’s the first step to transform your on premise environment to […]
VMware Flings : Code Capture
Code capture is one of my favorite tool that came from the VMware flings.The january 14th the tool has been updated to the version 4.0.One of the most important improvement is that the tool is now compatible with vSphere 6.7.It simply allows you to record actions that you perform with H5 client and then automatically generate PowerCli code. great no? How can […]